Get Hard Drive Serial Number Delphi
How can I read the Hard Drive Serial number, or motherboard serial number. Get the help and guidance you need from experienced professionals who care. Every hard drive has a distinctive Volume Serial Number, with the chances of any two drives you encounter having the same serial number astronomically high. For this reason, the Volume Serial Number is often used as part of copy protection schemes.
Well the component I mentioned works with D5,D6 and D7. Here is the list of what computerinfo you get. >I was looking for code that would work with Delphi6 using a Windows 98SE platform. Try this function, it'll work in win98SE function GetBiosInfoAsText: string; var p, q: pchar; begin q:= nil; p:= PChar(Ptr($FE000)); repeat if q nil then begin if not (p^ in [#10, #13, #32.#126, #169, #184]) then begin if (p^ = #0) and (p - q >= 8) then begin Result:= Result + TrimRight(String(q)) + #13#10; end; q:= nil; end; end else if p^ in [#33.#126, #169, #184] then q:= p; inc(p); until p >Cara crack program toko 33 and full version online. PChar(Ptr($FFFFF)); Result:= TrimRight(Result); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Text:= GetBiosInfoAsText; end; Regards Azhdari.